Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Master Project Idea

Master Project Specification

Name: Nana Guo   

Masters Route: MA Digital Effects for Film and Television

Supervisor: Paul Noble                              2nd Reader: John Dixon


Project idea:

I will produce two VFX shorts.


One short is a mass of fire go through from start of the street to the end, like flood, at last shot is a fire become a monster. For my main aim is to practise create fire skill using Maya fluid or Houdini. Then I will practise a new technique for me of particle morph.


Second short is building shattering and road destruction with a person walking. The main technique I will use Maya and Houdini. Also I will use green screen studio to film 2 or 3 shots and composite with CG background.


All those two shorts I will use same background is a city street, like Greece or Roman. Probably I will use Maya to modelling and texture or camera projection techniques.


Research area:

·         The main research area is the science behind fire and shatter.

·         The second research area is the style of my VFX shorts.

·         Then third research area is the techniques of CG fire, particle morph and shatter.

·         The fourth research area is the whole workflow between Maya and Houdini.

·         The fifth research area is the technique of match move, colour correction and compositing.



·         Through this project I want to gain my skill of create CG effects skills and learn little bit python script to help.

·         Other aim is to practise my skill to achieve industry standard.

·         Especially to improve create flame and shatter CG effects skills and improve solve 3D problem skills.

·         I want try to create a photorealism CG environment.

·         Then the next aim is to proficient in Maya FX and Houdini.

·         To improve compositing skills, like keying, rot scope and colour correction.

·         The last aim is to prepare my portfolio and create an excellent breakdown.


Expected project ending:

The result of the project will be produced analysed and high professional quality report.

·         It is exceptional attention to work process detail and range of research.

·         It is clearly and success to show my creative technique skills work process and coherent design.

·         It is excellent well-balanced evolution of the process and product.

At the end of the project I will produced a successful VFX shorts with fantastic visualisation and high quality techniques. I will reach all my goals and present an industry standard breakdown.


Proposed process:

Concept art stage:  Photoshop, Wacom

Modelling and Texture: Maya

Effects: Maya, Houdini

Render: V-ray or mental ray

Shooting: Green Screen studio, Digital Camera

Edit: Premire

Camera Tracking: Boujou

Keying, Roto, Colour correction, Compositing: Nuke

Audio: Sound studio and free copyright sound effects, sound recorder



June: Concept, Storyboard, Schedule

July: Modelling and texture, Fire flood test and particle morph test,video test

August: Shatter test, Green screen studio shoot, match move and composite

September: Fix and polish


Tuesday, May 15, 2012


This is just a shot part making of of my live action shot animation.
Software: Vue10 Xstream
Maya 2012
3Dx Max 2012;
Plug-in: Fume Fx2.1c           

Monday, April 30, 2012

Sunday, May 15, 2011

CAN Animatic

Animation Task List.

Shot 1 - Jitesh
-Fade in from black
-Chef walks past cam with lobster

Shot 2 - Simon
-Lobbsy the Lobster gets put in the pot
-Camera pan across, chef cutting veg
-Camera pan back, veg put in pot, lid on pot

Shot 3 - Chris L
-Chef opens fridge
-Grabs bottle wine, shuts door
-Goes to walk away, double shot back to door
-Re-opens fridge, leans in,

Shot 4 - Nana G
-Chef leaning into fridge,
-Claw comes on screen
-Launches at chef, pinches nose.

Shot 5 - Simon
-Lobster flys across
-Chef chases w/rolling pin.
-scutteling noise, chef u-turns.

Shot 6 - Chris C
-Chef holding lobster down, angry
-Raising knife

Shot 7 - Chris C
-Lobster puppy dog eyes (pov chef)

Shot 8 - Chris C
-Chef relax's puts down knife
-Bends down off shot
-Back up quickly with massive hammer

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

SPB Business plan pitch

Business plan pitch notes:


For my business idea is to be as a freelance working within the Visual Effects and 3D animation industry. I`d like to be as FX Artist and XSI Artist .
I am planning to work in London, Hong Kong or Beijing. I am an undergraduate I don`t mind where can I work, I just want to quick to work and learn more knowledge from industry.

My Service

At the beginning, I will offer the service of XSI skills and animation skills, as this is considered as entry level and a way of moving on to Visual effects industry. After gaining experience I will be able to move on to VFX and offering a service as a VFX artist.
I feel happy to work unsociable hours and weekends. I can offer professional and efficient work. I am self motivated and hard working.

Marketing Strategy

In order to appear professional a set of marketing materials have been designed and produced, this is the business card and A CD sticker, it will be put onto my show reel and will be sent off to the companies which I applied. Besides business card and CD sticker, I also sign up blogger, Linked in and twitter, one way to display my show reel and animation work process, the other way is have a try to communicate with the companies                                                                                                            


For my main competition is graduate as a fresh graduate, there will also be less experienced compare with who are already working in the industry for several years. For second competition is technique skills for VFX industry, as graduate we know less and unmeasured CG skills compare with people who working at industry. The third one is the visa problems compare with local people if I want to find a job in UK. Because I am an international student, if I want to work I need work permit to extent my visa date.

Financial Information

I will build up a personal website later it will cost £50 per year. The business cards and CD showreel stickers that have been produced have all been printed by me spent £50 per year. To requirement to buy personal software licences and hardware will spent more than £3900.  For additional cast is Living expenses and treavel expense around £200


My business plan is to be as a freelance working within the Visual Effects and 3D animation industry. I can work as XSI Artist and FX Artist.The key benefits for an employer from me are that I can provide quick, professional and efficiently work. I took lots of materials market, like business card and CD sticker. And a well-made show reel will help me to win over and get a job.